Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Correction to Code - from Getting Started with SIFs

In the last post I had a couple of lines of code added to the browser script and server script of the application that you use... Neel posted a comment to say he was having some trouble using 8.1 - I'm not sure that this error is to blame, but it can't be helping!

Hopefully this correction will help get the code at least running.

So, the correct code for the server script declarations section of the application you are using should be:

var oBS:Service = this.GetService("MFramework");
oBS.InvokeMethod ("BuildFramework", this.NewPropertySet(), this.NewPropertySet());

while the following is the correct code for the new method in the browser script of the application you are using:

function BuildFramework()
    var bsUi = theApplication().GetService("MFramework");

I've added this. and theApplication(). in front of the calls to the NewPropertySet() method, which hopefully will help things run.