Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Framework SIFs - updated download link

A few potential downloaders have let me know that the original download URL no longer works.

I've updated it, so hopefully this one will work...

Source Code

As with the last time, contained in the .zip file above are a few files, which I'll briefly run through:

1. MFramework.sif

This is a SIF file of the business service that contains both the server side (eScript) elements of the Framework, and the corresponding Browser Script side. This business service is contained in a project called "MFramework".

2. MFramework_BS.sif

This is a SIF of just the business service, without containing project, if you want to import into a different project.

3. MFramework Service Wrapper WF.xml

This is a workflow process used by the asynch business service calling. As it currently is, this is contained in the project called MFramework.

4. MFramework_bs.js

If you'd prefer just to view the code in your favorite editor this file is the entire browser script side of the business service...

5. MFramework_ss.js

... while this is the server eScript of the business service.
