Ok, here's the browser script from the Business Service. The purpose of the BS is to act as wrappers to the server side - allowing rich features on the browser side. I'll discuss in more detail in a future post - there are security concerns in particular here becuase of what we're exposing that are worth a mention.ExtendJsObjects();
top.oFramework = new Class_Main();
function BuildBsFramework()
// empty method - real work done in declarations section
function Class_BusComp(theParent)
Created: 01/06/2010
Description: BusComp class
Encapsulate functionality relating to Business Components
var oBusComp =
// member variables
name: "Class_BusComp",
parent: theParent,
// member methods - simple wrappers
methodWrapper: Method_Wrapper,
addRecord: function () { return this.methodWrapper("BusComp.addRecord", arguments); },
getRecord: function () { return this.methodWrapper("BusComp.getRecord", arguments); },
getRecords: function () { return this.methodWrapper("BusComp.getRecords", arguments); },
updateRecord: function () { return this.methodWrapper("BusComp.updateRecord", arguments); },
updateRecords: function () { return this.methodWrapper("BusComp.updateRecords", arguments); }
return oBusComp;
function Class_IHelp(theParent)
Created: 01/06/2010
Description: IHelp class
Encapsulate functionality relating to IHelp
var oIHelp =
// member variables
name: "Class_IHelp",
parent: theParent,
// member methods
setToPath: function (sHelpPathName)
// code removed for brevity - sets iHelp to a particular path
setToRoot: function ()
// code removed for brevity - returns iHelp to root menu
openPath: function (sHelpPathName)
// code removed for brevity - opens iHelp menu window + sets to a particular path
return oIHelp;
function Class_Lov(theParent)
Created: 16/06/2010
Description: Lov class
Encapsulate functionality relating to LOVs
var oLov =
// member variables
name: "Class_Lov",
parent: theParent,
// member methods - simple wrappers
methodWrapper: Method_Wrapper,
get: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Lov.get", arguments); },
getAzValue: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Lov.getAzValue", arguments); },
getDescription: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Lov.getDescription", arguments); },
getEuFlag: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Lov.getEuFlag", arguments); }
return oLov;
function Class_Main()
Created: 05/05/2010
Description: Class definition - can be accessed via top.oFramework
var oMain =
// members values
name: "Class_Main",
createdTime: new Date(),
UID: new Date().toTimeStamp(),
aStack: [],
// methods
addToStack: function (sValue)
this.aStack.push("[" + new Date().toTimeStamp() + "] " + sValue);
// limit the size of the stack to the last 50 entries
if (this.aStack.length>50)
clearStack: function ()
this.aStack = [];
getStack: function ()
return "[UID:" + this.UID + "]\n" + this.aStack.join("\n");
getCreatedTime: function ()
return this.createdTime;
resizeAppWindow: function ()
toObject: function (source)
Created: 12/05/2010
Description: Rebuild an object from its source representation.
The handling of the _length is to workaround the fact
that Siebel does not allow an object property called "length"
be enumerated using the "for in" construct.
var oT = eval('(' + source + ')');
if (oT._length)
oT.length = oT._length;
return oT;
toSource: function (obj)
Created: 11/05/2010
Description: Convert any Javascript object into its source (string) representation
This can be used to pass return objects from the server-side Framework
to the browser side, recursion is used to break down properties of objects
and elements of arrays.
Quirk of Siebel: Arrays seem to have a typeof "function" rather than "object"
as expected. To distinguish between an Array and a real function, check does
it have a method called "shift" - an array will
var sReturn = "";
if (typeof(obj)=="string") // strings - need to quote, also replace ' with \'
sReturn = "\"" + obj.replace(/\'/g,"\\\x27") + "\"";
else if (typeof(obj.shift)=="function") // arrays
sReturn += "[";
for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++)
sReturn += this.toSource(obj[i]) + ", ";
sReturn = (sReturn.length==1) ? sReturn + ']' : sReturn.substr(0, sReturn.length-2) + ']';
else if (typeof(obj.getTime)=="function") // date
sReturn = "new Date(\"" + obj + "\")";
else if (typeof(obj)=="object") // objects - loop through properties
sReturn += "{";
for (var x in obj)
sReturn += (x.indexOf(" ")>-1) ? "\"" + x + "\":" : x + ":" ;
sReturn += this.toSource(obj[x]) + ", ";
sReturn = (sReturn.length==1) ? sReturn + '}' : sReturn.substr(0, sReturn.length-2) + '}';
else // number, boolen, function will be left
sReturn = "" + obj;
return sReturn;
callServerFramework: function ()
Created: 17/05/2010
Description: This method uses a business service to expose server-side Framework methods
to browser script.
var oArguments = arguments[0]; //This will be an array of arguments
//Objects required to call business service
var oBusServ = null;
var oInputs = null;
var oOutputs = null;
//Set up objects
oBusServ = theApplication().GetService("My Framework");
oInputs = theApplication().NewPropertySet();
oOutputs = theApplication().NewPropertySet();
//Place the first argument in the Method property
oInputs.SetProperty("Method", oArguments.shift());
//Convert the remaining arguments to a string and place in the Arguments property
oInputs.SetProperty("Arguments", this.toSource(oArguments));
//Call server-side Framework
oOutputs = oBusServ.InvokeMethod("RunFrameworkMethod", oInputs);
//Rebuild complex objects and return
if(oOutputs.GetProperty("Return Type") == "Object")
return this.toObject(oOutputs.GetProperty("Return Value"));
//Return simple objects
return oOutputs.GetProperty("Return Value");
//Clear down objects
oArguments = null;
oBusServ = null;
oInputs = null;
oOutputs = null;
variantToArray: function(pV)
return (typeof(pV)=="object" || typeof(pV)=="function" ? pV : [pV]);
oMain.BusComp = new Class_BusComp(oMain);
oMain.iHelp = new Class_IHelp(oMain);
oMain.Lov = new Class_Lov(oMain);
oMain.Service = new Class_Service(oMain);
oMain.Utility = new Class_Utility(oMain);
return oMain;
function Class_Service(theParent)
Created: 16/06/2010
Description: Service class
Encapsulate functionality relating to Services
var oService =
// member variables
name: "Class_Service",
parent: theParent,
// member methods - simple wrappers
methodWrapper: Method_Wrapper,
run: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Service.run", arguments); },
runAsynch: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Service.runAsynch", arguments); }
return oService;
function Class_Utility(theParent)
Created: 16/06/2010
Description: Service class
Encapsulate functionality relating to Utility
var oUtility =
// member variables
name: "Class_Utility",
parent: theParent,
// member methods - simple wrappers
methodWrapper: Method_Wrapper,
getSystemPreference: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Utility.getSystemPreference", arguments); },
setSystemPreference: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Utility.setSystemPreference", arguments); },
logMessage: function () { return this.methodWrapper("Utility.logMessage", arguments); }
return oUtility;
function ExtendJsObjects()
// String methods
String.prototype.spaceToUnderscore = function() {
return this.replace(/\s/g,"_");
String.prototype.hasSpace = function() {
return this.match(/\s/);
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
String.prototype.trimLeft = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/g,"");
String.prototype.trimRight = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/g,"");
String.prototype.inList = function(vA) {
for (var i=0; i<vA.length; i++)
if (vA[i]==this.valueOf())
return true;
return false;
// Date methods
Date.prototype.compare = function() {
var op = (arguments.length == 2 ? arguments[0] : "==" );
var pV = (arguments.length == 2 ? arguments[1] : arguments[0] );
var bReturn = false;
var d = new Date();
if (op=="!=")
bReturn = this.toString()!=d.toString();
if (op.indexOf("=")>-1)
bReturn = (this.toString() == d.toString());
if (op.indexOf("<")>-1)
bReturn = bReturn || (this < d);
if (op.indexOf(">")>-1)
bReturn = bReturn || (this > d);
return bReturn;
Date.prototype.toIso=function() {
// return date in the format YYYYMMDD
var YYYY, MM, DD, M, D; // variables to hold parts of date
YYYY=this.getFullYear()+""; // convert to string
MM = (M=this.getMonth()+1)<10?('0'+M):M; // add 0 if 1-9 to make MM format
DD = (D=this.getDate())<10?('0'+D):D; // add 0 if 1-9 to make DD format
return YYYY+MM+DD;
Date.prototype.toDb=function() {
// return date in the format DD/MM/YYYY
var YYYY, MM, DD, M, D; // variables to hold parts of date
YYYY=this.getFullYear()+""; // convert to string
MM = (M=this.getMonth()+1)<10?('0'+M):M; // add 0 if 1-9 to make MM format
DD = (D=this.getDate())<10?('0'+D):D; // add 0 if 1-9 to make DD format
return DD+"/"+MM+"/"+YYYY;
Date.prototype.toUs=function() {
// return date in the format MM/DD/YYYY
var YYYY, MM, DD, M, D; // variables to hold parts of date
YYYY=this.getFullYear()+""; // convert to string
MM = (M=this.getMonth()+1)<10?('0'+M):M; // add 0 if 1-9 to make MM format
DD = (D=this.getDate())<10?('0'+D):D; // add 0 if 1-9 to make DD format
return MM+"/"+DD+"/"+YYYY;
Date.prototype.toTimeStamp=function() {
var hh,mm,ss,mmm,h,m,s,ms;
var ms = this.getMilliseconds();
var s = this.getSeconds();
var m = this.getMinutes();
var h = this.getHours();
var mmm = (ms<10?('00'+ms):ms<100?('0'+ms):ms);
hh = h<10?('0'+h):h==24?'00':h;
return this.toIso() + hh+mm+ss+mmm;
Date.prototype.setFromString = function(pV) {
var aTs = pV.split(" ");
var aD = aTs[0].split("/");
var aT = (aTs.length > 1) ? aTs[1].split(":") : [0,0,0];
this.setFullYear(aD[2], aD[1]-1, aD[0]);
this.setHours(aT[0], aT[1], aT[2]);
function Method_Wrapper(sName, vArguments)
Created: 01/06/2010
Description: passes arguments + object.method name to server side
var oArguments =[];
oArguments[0] = sName;
for(var x=0;x<vArguments.length;x++)
oArguments[x+1] = vArguments[x];
return top.oFramework.callServerFramework(oArguments);
function Service_PreInvokeMethod (methodName, inputPropSet, outputPropSet)
sReturn = "ContinueOperation";
switch ( methodName )
case "BuildBsFramework":
sReturn = "CancelOperation";
return (sReturn);